Adventure's Edge Roleplaying Game

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Adventure's Edge is a standalone roleplaying game written by Don Fuller. This project first started as a collection of home-brew rules for Pathfinder, but the farther I got into it, the more it became something new. It is now very much an homage to my two favorite game systems, Pathfinder and Rolemaster. Like most people my age, I started playing some 40 years ago in 1982, and as far back as I remember I hacked every system I ran, from 2nd Edition, Gamma World, Middle-Earth Roleplaying, Rolemaster, 3rd edition, and Pathfinder 1E, always trying to make a "better" game. So, what is this, and who is the target audience?

This game is for people who enjoy complexity and customization when building their characters - who want loosened constraints in what each class can do, but also for people who are tired of reading "build guides" just to make a character that doesn't suck. It is for Gamemasters who enjoy running long campaigns but burn out when the system breaks down at high levels. It is for people who don't want to endlessly look up charts and fiddly rules, who want interesting choices in combat without the constant action economy creep. It is for people who like the game to feel dangerous - but not gritty. It's for people tired of characters and monsters becoming giant sacks of hit points. It is also for people not afraid of failure.

This is a D20, skills-centric system, with a new spin on familiar stats, where classes are unique but also take a back seat. You won't find feats or spell-slots, nearly every skill works the same, dice rolls are active player only, combat has facing, reach, and wounds but only a few tables. All play is either in Narrative Time or Action Rounds, and combat uses a fluid two action economy that never changes between 1st level and 20th level. If any or all of that sounds interesting, suit up and press on to adventure, because this is Adventure's Edge!

Adventure’s Edge Core Rules [BETA] version 12/1/24

by Don Fuller

No portion of this work may be reproduced without permission.


Author, Design and Editing

Don Fuller

Consulting, Inspiration and Review

Rachelle Fuller

Cover Artist

Cover Art and Logo are original art for Adventure’s Edge by Rick Hershey, Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art

Interior Art

Most Interior Art purchased from Dean Spencer Art, Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art, and Grim Press and used with permission.

Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games

Some Artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.

Other art used without attribution through public domain sources.

Icons purchased and used with permission from The Noun Project.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Getting Started

Chapter 2: Making a Character

Chapter 3: Character Races

Chapter 4: Character Classes

Chapter 5: Experience and Gaining Levels

Chapter 6: Character Statistics

Chapter 7: Skills and Proficiencies

Chapter 8: Equipment Tables

Chapter 9: Combat Rules

Chapter 10: Injury and Healing

Chapter 11: Combat Styles

Chapter 12: Magic Rules

Chapter 13: Spells

Chapter 14: Adept Powers

Chapter 15: Additional Rules -Movement, Vision, Underwater & Aerial Combat, Stamina & Fatigue, Morale

Chapter 16: Alchemy (in progress)

Chapter 17: Crafting and Enchanting

Chapter 18: Running the Game (unwritten)

Chapter 19: Creature Codex (in progress)

Chapter 20: Appendix (unwritten)